Studio Owner/Certified STOTT Pilates® Instructor

Collette Brown

Collette is the Co-Owner of Create Balance Pilates studio and has been in the health and fitness industry for over 20 years teaching group, private training, and in various management roles.

Being active has always been a part of her life – sports, trail runs, duathlons, biking, and in 2013 she completed her first half marathon! Collette has 3 children (Kay, Zachary, & Brynne!) and when she’s not in the studio, her family is her focus.

“I discovered and experienced PILATES for the first time over 10 years ago. After researching more fully the STOTT PILATES® method, I was hooked and there was no turning back! I love the attention to detail, technique and form, and after years of practicing many different modes of movement and exercise, everything about Pilates made sense and felt GREAT – inside and out! I immediately delved into the certification process and Create Balance Pilates opened for classes soon thereafter!

In addition to running the business with my business partner, my passion is teaching! I would say there is an energy, presence, and enthusiasm to my teaching style. I love the positive vibe created in a group class, and the personal connections developed simply by sharing the same space with a group of people. My goal when training clients is to effectively work together to achieve balance, move optimally without pain, and safely challenge their body to experience and benefit from all that Pilates has to offer. Creating balance within your body and in your life, is what we help people achieve! I absolutely LOVE what I do, and am so proud of what we all have created and accomplished together here at Create Balance. Knowing the positive difference we make for so many people is why we do this!”

Training and Certifications:
B.A.Sc. Nutrition (U of G)
STOTT PILATES® Intensive Mat-Plus™ – IMP
STOTT PILATES® Injuries and Special Populations
STOTT PILATES® Advanced Mat – AM
CORE™ Athletic Conditioning & Performance Training™
BOSU Certified
CFP Member