Certified STOTT Pilates® Instructor

Gillian Baranowsky

I have been passionate about fitness my whole life. In 2012 I was juggling a project management career, 3 growing boys and a busy household, and I didn’t have much time to exercise.

Like many women, I was overworked and stressed out - my life was way out of balance! The next year I left that job and trained to become a Personal Trainer and Cancer Exercise Specialist - I found my balance!

In 2020 I experienced my first Pilates class and realized it was perfectly compatible with my approach to fitness: both challenging and safe; correcting muscle imbalances; focusing on correct form and functional movements; improving posture and movement in all stages of life.

The STOTT Pilates training curriculum has been challenging, thorough and very informative. With this method, I look forward to moving, training and teaching for many years to come!